Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Jesus has things to do, places to go, a Gospel to proclaim. He wants to proclaim it as well through us who have been baptized into Him. We are part of bringing liberty to the captives and glad tidings to the poor. But, we're never going to be able to do that if we're focused on the worldly. So, if we're honest with ourselves, are we being like the people St. Paul is speaking to, caught up in politics ... maybe even Church politics ... and worldly affairs? While things of the earth matter to some degree, they don't matter as much as union with Christ and doing your part in the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. For most of us, we have to stop focusing on things outside our control. Let us work to love God and love our neighbor. To do so, let us be like Jesus who often goes off to a deserted place to be with the Father. We too must have this. We too must have our own deserted place, our own monastic cell within our hearts where we escape to often to be with God. We must allow ourselves to be regularly ordered by the God who ordered the universe. Let us practice this more often through personal prayer, small retreats to our hearts deserted place, wherein we can receive spiritual communion. Let us do this as well so God can help us mature spiritually, so He can aid us move from spiritual milk to solid food. For He has work for us to do and we need to be well nourished for what's ahead. Let's work to concentrate on what really matters, intimate relationship with Christ and maturation in the spiritual life. God has work to do, and He wants to do some of it through us. Let us prepare ourselves well. ~ David Hust
"For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength."~Isaiah 30:15a

Sunday, September 2, 2018

This collapse of the inner life also erodes the ability to discern the action of the Holy Spirit and the will of God in one’s life – for the Spirit’s guiding voice will always remain a still, small one (1 Kings 19:12), loud enough to be perceived, yet soft enough never to compel cooperation. God speaks and directs us, though it happens beneath the surface level, where our minds are occupied by our current moods, emotions, and wants.